Choosing joy daily in my life full of topknot buns, baby kisses, and flour on the floor. I wouldn’t have it any other way! Oh, and I photograph the SWEETEST people!
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Mama, taking photos of your littles can be tough, so let’s make editing EASY! Create frame-worthy photos in one tap with our Cotton Mobile Presets!
At 7+ months pregnant, it’s no surprise now that we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our first baby, due in March. But before Sept 16th, we had no idea if we’d be having a boy or a girl. From the moment we found out we were expecting, Kellan (the hubby) thought it was a girl while I convinced myself we’d be having a boy. For 10 weeks, we debated excitedly and couldn’t wait to find out!
After our 12-week doctor’s appointment, we opted for the genetic testing which allowed us to find out the gender earlier than the usual 16 – 20-week ultrasound. It’s amazing to me that by taking my blood, they could test our baby’s DNA to see if it was a boy or girl. Technology is mindblowing, right?
We knew we wanted to do a gender reveal after attending so many fun ones for friends and family. With ice cream being my number one pregnancy craving, it seemed fitting to make that the theme. Plus, mid-September Houston heat really made the ice cream all the more delicious.
We planned to do the party in our backyard but after hurricane Harvey, that really wasn’t an option. Thankfully, our incredibly kind friends, Jenny (the creative genius behind A Fine Flourish) & Jeremy, offered to let us host it at their place down the street. Their backyard ended up being the perfect setting!
Since we traveled a ton in July & August and with all the Harvey craziness, we hadn’t told some of our friends that we were expecting. Sending out our gender reveal invite via text definitely spread the message quickly though! ; ) It was so fun getting to see everyone and find out alongside them!
The idea of throwing a party during such a hard time for us & our city definitely felt weird. But our friends reminded us maybe a little joy would be good for everyone. By the 50+ friends and family in attendance, I think it’s safe to say that was true! A little celebration was definitely needed after such a rough time.
These two beautiful babes, Corley from Spell Events & Meredith with Cake & Confetti, were 3 months and 6 months ahead of me. So I guess you could say I caught the bump! Now their babies are here and I’m the only one left. Ek, March get here sooner!
I think our Elli dog enjoyed being outside and all the fun attention!
Couldn’t have done it without these two babes! Thank you, Lindsay & Jenny!! So grateful for friends like these!
Jenny (from A Fine Flourish) also made this incredible sign as our backdrop! Isn’t her calligraphy the best?!
How perfect are these ice cream themed sugar cookies from The Sugar Cookie Studio! Alicia is AMAZING and they taste even better than they look, if that’s possible! 😀
We had all of our guests grab an ice cream cone of what they thought it was, blueberry for boy and strawberry for a girl. Jenny and Lindsay knew what we were having so they took our ice cream cone and dipped it in white chocolate. We tried our best to bite into it but it was hard as a rock! So smashing it was the next best thing.
I think it’s safe to say this was the best surprise of my life and I’ve never been so happy to be wrong!
Of course we had to record this moment too! Hit play below to hear me scream! LOL
These perfect cookies were safely wrapped until after the reveal but how freakin’ beautiful are they?! Alicia really outdid herself!
Team Girl, AKA the winners! ; )
Elli was neutral the whole time but I think she’s pretty pumped to being having a sister!
We couldn’t have done it without the help of our amazing friends & family! Thank you to Jenny & Jeremy for hosting, the beautiful calligraphy and keeping our secret safe! Thank you to our sweet friend Lindsay with Lean on Me Events for pretty much planning the whole thing!
To our talented friend Alicia at The Sugar Cookie Studio, we are so grateful for the most perfect & beautiful sugar cookies! Thank you to Kellan’s sweet mom for making all the snacks! And to Lauren for recording this fun moment and to Alyssa for photographing everything for us & making Elli’s adorable ice cream cone hat!
It really meant the world to us finding out if our first little babe was a boy or girl alongside so many sweet friends and family!
Choosing joy daily in my life full of topknot buns, baby kisses, and flour on the floor. I wouldn’t have it any other way! Oh, and I photograph the SWEETEST people!
Get 50% off Honeybook with this link!
Mama, taking photos of your littles can be tough, so let’s make editing EASY! Create frame-worthy photos in one tap with our Cotton Mobile Presets!
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